Albany's Historic Carousel Opens Doors to a World of Wonder

By Stacey Gregory

Albany Oregon, situated in the heart of the Willamette Valley, will soon be known as the community where talented workers came together to volunteer their time and talents to create a destination unlike any other. For the long-awaited Albany Historic Carousel & Museum will open at last!

In a newly constructed building located in near the center of Albany's celebrated downtown district, the Albany Historic Carousel & Museum is a testament to dreaming big. From humble beginnings, this story is one that should inspire communities across the globe.

A Dedicated Community Rebuilds History

Albany historic carousel

The carousel project began 15 years ago with a vision and a donation from a local resident.  That simple act spiraled into a full-blown non-profit association that attracted volunteer artisans and sponsors from all around Oregon's Willamette Valley.

The carving and painting workshop at the carousel became a beehive of community activity as “lions and tigers and bears” came to life under loving hands. Because of volunteer's tireless efforts the carousel will consist of 52 hand-carved animals ranging from a seven foot plus tall giraffe, dogs, cats, zebras, unicorns, dragons, and yes, even lions, tigers, and bears! The animals will be situated in three rows, where the outside row (large animals) will be “standers”

No matter your age, make plans to visit Albany and be among the very first to ride this amazing work of art. Everyone is welcome to the bright and spirited community where dreams really do come true.

What You Need to Know When You Go

  • Food: Concessions such as hot dogs, popcorn, and soft drinks will be available. For a more substantial meal, there are several restaurants within walking distance to choose from.
  • Contact: For detailed history, images of animals and artisans, building updates, and ticket prices, visit the Albany Historic Carousel & Museum.

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