Register Your Ornament to Enter to Win!

Thank you so much for taking part in the 2024 Willamette Valley Ornament Hunt!

Use the form below to register to win this year's grand prize, which includes a two-night stay in the Willamette Valley. Note that purchased ornaments cannot be registered in the contest for this year's grand prize.

Registre su adorno para ganar el premio de este año, incluye una estancia de dos noches en Willamette Valley y tarjetas de regalo para restaurantes locales.

First Name/Primer Nombre *

Last Name/Apellido *

Phone Number/Numero de Teléfono *

Email/Correo Electrónico *

Ornament Code/Código de Adorno *

City/Ciudad *


Postal Code/Código Postal *

How did you hear about the Ornament Hunt? (Cómo te enteraste de la búsqueda de adornos?)
1. Willamette Valley Website
2. Enewsletter
3. Travel Oregon website
4. Willamette National Forest Service
5. Social Media (Facebook, Instagram)
6. KATU News channel
7. From a Friend
8. I've been participating annually
9. Other

  Please send me travel inspiration emails about the Willamette Valley

  * Please Enter All Required Fields   ** Please Make Sure to Select a File, Click "Start Upload," and Ensure All Uploads Are Finished.

Your adventure begins with the official Willamette Valley Travel Guide. Request your complimentary printed guide or download a digital guide today.

©2024 Willamette Valley Visitors Association

Site by Drozian Webworks